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Dental Cleanings

Professional Dental Cleaning: Often Overlooked But Extremely Important

It can not be overstated how important routine professional teeth cleaning can be to your oral health.
As we eat, bits of food get trapped between our teeth, as well as in the nooks and crannies around them. Over time, these particles decay, forming into that silky white stuff we find on our teeth. Known as plaque, this white film contains millions of bacteria, and when we eat, so do they. Most of the problems come after that, because those bacteria use the carbohydrates we eat to produce acids, that erode tooth enamel, eventually leading to tooth decay.
Over time, this plaque can get stuck on our teeth. And the only way to remove is – you guessed it – professional teeth cleaning!

When Should You Get A Professional Teeth Cleaning?

It’s incredibly important to the overall health of your teeth to get plaque and tartar removed, therefore, like most dentists, Dr. AJ recommends having a professional teeth cleaning every 6 months.

Who Is A Good Fit?

  • Those that have not had a professional teeth cleaning in the last 6 months
  • Those that have excessive buildup on their teeth

Dental Cleanings in San Antonio, TX

It’s important to note that the formation of plaque and tartar is unavoidable. It happens to us all. But we’re here to make sure the removal of it, education about it, and treatment for it is outstanding.
Request an appointment today and let us help you maintain your oral health.

Let’s Get Started

Schedule an appointment with Potranco Family Dental now.